Applications for web development to make your life easier
What Applications I use in my daily workflow to make my life easier as a developer
Let's get started with OneNote, which is my go-to application for writing down anything useful. I use OneNote to write down notes for anything new I have learned. For example, on how to deploy an application to AWS, I can also add some of the things that I should be aware of or some of the issues I ran into, so next time I deploy something I already have the solutions for that written down. You can easily put notes into categories and then even into sub-pages, keeping everything organized.
Next up is Todo, also an application from Microsoft. It's a to-do list app. I use it for things like remembering to go buy something from the store or not forgetting that I need to update an endpoint somewhere. So anytime I run out of tasks, I can just look at the list and remind myself.
For testing APIs, my go-to application is Postman. It's very well organized and lets you create collections. These are groups that you can save. For example, I like to have a collection for every project I am working on. Then you can have different endpoints saved for testing. It shows you the http method by name and is also not bad-looking. You can also set your environment variables so you can easily switch from development to production for testing.
This is a terminal plugin that shows you a history of your commands. It's very useful for quickly selecting a command. Also, you will never forget a command again. This is my setup:
Import-Module PSReadLine
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView